I was sitting there and as I listened to all of the "I's", what "I" can do to fix myself, what "I" can do to make it work, what "I"....... the list went on and on.
I left the church feeling a bit empty. The sermon was on Depression, and lets just say I left feeling a little depressed.
We were told all of these things about how depression affects you and some steps to change your thinking.
The message today was a "SELF HELP" sermon. Not a spiritual encounter with my God and how his great power will change you.
At no point did we ever call up people who felt depressed and pray over them and declare in Jesus name that the evil spirit of depression and the way of thinking be cast out.
I just felt like I wasn't in a hospital. If you have ever gone to a hospital you don't leave the hospital with and open wound and have them tell you to come back next week. You would never stand for that. You would expect someone to look at the wound and say "AHHHH... lets clean that thing up and freaking stitch it together before you bleed to death!" .... you would expect everyone to be on their A-game and get to work right? Call the head Doctor!!! and nurse, and anesthetist and therapist......Not just tell you how you got the cut and then ways to prevent it next time???
Instead, I felt as though I was in a Free Health Clinic and they were passing out condoms. A safe way to live, not beneficial in anyway, but its got some protection, and it makes you feel a little better about the way your living. Here, do what you please, but just be sure you use this and do this, and you will be fine. When in reality we never fix the real problem......
I just think that as we see things like this happening in the church we should stop and reassess our views on God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Aren't they the ones who are supposed to fix us? Yea we do things to get there, but we can't do it on our own. And for those who don't think praying over someone is okay in church and should be saved for another time. Check yourself.